Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good vs. Evil

It was raining pretty heavily outside and I was enjoying a coffee and a book in a cozy cafe in town (by myself!). Diagonally across the table from me a woman who looked to be in her 60s was sipping coffee, reading a book as well. The rest of the cafe was packed with people taking cover from the crummy weather outside.

I noticed a couple trying to find seats and I thought if I move across from the woman (whose backpack was occupying the seat) I could let the two share the table where I was. So, I got up and said to the couple and the older woman, gesturing at the chair, "if I move here, you can take this table."

Surprisingly the woman had a scowl on her face, she said: "I paid to have my coffee here this is my seat" (the seat her backpack was in). She continued, "You got your coffee to go, why don't you leave?" While our coffees were indeed in to-go cups there is no price difference at this shop whether you are staying or taking- away. I always get my drink to go just in case I don't finish it and want to leave! The girl of the pair stated that they intended to stay in as well, but the woman reiterated that we could "just leave" and that was the end of the conversation - the woman was not letting her bag be moved to let these people sit.

So the couple moved to look elsewhere, and I was so disturbed that I got up, saying, "I seems as though you need your space..." and found a seat on a stool overlooking Nassau Street, next to two older gentlemen. Embarrassingly, I found myself a bit choked up at the whole scene. I tried to get back into my book, but couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about why that woman was so mean. Was she going though a hard time? Bitter at the world for the hand she'd been dealt? Annoyed with tourists? I ended up just feeling sorry for her. That kind of negativity is so poisonous.

A few minutes later the couple came up to me and thanked me for my kindness and apologized for the trouble. I told them it was not a bother, and that I was sorry they couldn't find a seat. They handed me a bag with two treats from the bakery inside and said they "hoped she hadn't upset me, not everyone in Dublin is like that." I smiled and said "I've been living here for three years and have never come across anyone that rude."

The rain had finally stopped and myself and the gentlemen sitting next to me decided to chance the weather and leave. We shared a laugh about the rain starting again in five minutes as they opened the door for me. I made sure to smile at the woman before I stepped outside.

Good: 2 Evil: 1

Good prevails.


  1. I am so proud of you right now. We can't let one rotten apple spoil the whole bunch. You won. Your kindness won't be forgotten and you will be blessed because of it. That's how the world works. Unfortunately, for the "rotten" woman, she will get back ten-fold what she gave; hence, her ugly behavior. And the cycle continues...
    Bless your little heart, sweet girl. I love you.

  2. Can't believe that woman, how rude and thoughtless. Glad you got some nice treats from the couple. Thankfully people like her are still in the minority.

  3. Thanks mom, that was my thought exactly. I'm not going to let this woman ruin my day, instead I'll focus on the kindness that came out of it. I think the couple did as well. That leaves the rude woman very alone in her bitter world. Sad.

    Dawn we were all so shocked at her! You're right, thankfully people like that are few and far between (at least in my experience).

  4. You are the winner! Don't feel bad about getting a little choked up, the same thing would have happened to me.

  5. Wow. Thanks for sharing Meg. I can't believe someone would be that rude. I find it so hard to get over things of that nature quickly. Those kinds of things make me tear up a bit as it seems to make me feel injured somehow. Way to be the bigger man and take the high road.

  6. reminded me of a time on the bus when I was pregnant and asked an old man could he move his sports bag so I could sit down. he made such a big deal over it big tut and sign - was so upset and mad but I still sat there. why do people think their bag deserves a seat?!

  7. Thanks, Kim and Steph, glad to know I'm not the only emotional sap!

    Dawn that's crazy that a man gave you a hard time about moving his bag - and you were pregnant! Shame on him! Makes you wonder what people have in their bags...

  8. Just reading this story made me emotional…let alone being the one who had to live it. Meg I am so proud of you for "turning the other cheek." That is one of the hardest things to do and it's not often that it goes noticed (i.e. the couple who shared their treats with you). We have to cling to the Good in this world, and still love those who "slap us"…unfortunately, sometimes! Because if I would have been with you in that coffee shop, I would have wanted to give her an ear-full and then nail her against a wall for treating you that way!!! :)
