Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Funday

*Sunday Funday posts will always be a photo re-cap of our day together as a family

Morning - getting ready for the movers to come on Monday!

A sunny afternoon spent running through 
Herbert Park

And watching the ducks swim 

With Daddy

And playing kick the ball...

More running!

*The inspiration behind my Sunday Funday posts is about getting back to basics and enjoying time with family. As a child it was a rule in my family that Sundays were spent as a family - we were not allowed to have friends over or go to their homes. It was all about quality time together! 


  1. Love the Sunday family rule!

    Good luck with the movers today! x

  2. I too, love the Sunday rule. What a great way to spend time with your family.

  3. Thanks, ladies! It's a good tradition to start, and it's never too early!

    Thanks for the good luck Abby, the 1st stage of the move is complete!
