Friday, March 30, 2012

First Trip to the Cinema

Actually, that heading is not entirely accurate. I took Liam to a "mommy & me" movie in Dublin when he was about 6 months old, but that was more for me than him. I can't even remember the title of the film, it was a Spanish one, I think....

So, at 23 months old, Liam had his first big screen experience! Everything I read online said: "You're crazy - DO NOT bring a two year old to a movie, fool!" But... My sister and I were going nuts in the house with the kids on a very dreary afternoon so we said, "What the heck? Let's do it!" The worst that could happen is we have to leave the movie early.

So we packed everyone up (including the 2 month old baby) and headed to see the 4:40 showing The Lorax.

And guess what? They loved it! It was a great first film. It was amazingly vivid and colorful and had loads of silly songs. Liam loved the whole experience. He was wide eyed, chomping popcorn, and laughing at the funny bits the whole time. Definitely a success!

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