Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Birthday Party!

Yesterday was such a whirlwind! From the time we got up until 3:30 when the party started we were running around getting the house in order. And then when the party started it seemed to be over in two seconds! I guess that's just the way these things work lots and lots of prep for such  short amount of time. But it was totally worth it, and everything turned out well. I could not have pulled it off without the help of my mom & sister, though! I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking...

My rainbow cake with Pennant banner topper. I was pretty proud of it!

The pennant banner I made... this will be coming out every year!

The birthday boy, himself!

Opening presents!

"Happy Birthday to you!!"

The inside of the cake

Digging in to his very big piece of cake!

So, it was a success!! I know every mom says this, but I'll join the chorus... can't believe he'll be two in a little over a week (April 23). A huge thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us - it meant the world that you were there. 


  1. Meg, this party looked FABULOUS! You did an incredible job! Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Liam!!

  2. Thank you so much, Liz! It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun, too :-) What are your plans for Ellen's B-day?
